Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Pixilated Over You : An Elusive Piece of Sheet Music

Today is a banner day! It is pretty gray and rainy outside, and it was thunder storms all night, so there is a new little pond in the area inside the driveway. This doesn't really have much to do with it being a banner day, but I thought I'd lay the scene out for you . . .

First off, Elizabeth opened a gorgeous little box of chocolates and shared them around. Aren't they beautiful?! I definitely recommend the chocolate truffle. That was pretty nice, as she and I have always wanted to get a "fancy" box of chocolates --- just for the fun of it.

The really cool thing though, actually came in the mail! Ordered from England, and the only copy that we could find available anywhere on the Internet, it is the companion song to (inspired by) Frank Capra's 1936 film, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. The name of the song is "I'm Pixilated Over You." It was written by Edward Heyman and Harold Spina. Elizabeth and I have been looking for this song for years now. One other piece of our sheet music had a one line sample of this song. This was supposed to make you go to the local music shop to pick up a copy. Unfortunately, living in the past is not always easy. No music shop today has this song for sale! Years have now gone by, and I think about this song quite often --- wishing that we could find it. Lo and behold, our fabulous Mom finds one little copy on

It wasn't a far step from jumping around in sheer joy (not really --- that is, not quite) to hitting the purchase button and joyfully paying $14.00 for a piece of music that originally sold for six cents. It's a funny world we live in!

Well, it arrived today, and it's even lovelier than we'd hoped. I'm so thrilled! Elizabeth played it through on the piano, and it's an adorable little ditty. And if this entry hasn't convinced you that I am totally pixilated, then --- well, I don't know!

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