Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adding Another Photo to the Autograph Album

Elizabeth and I really like The Big Valley TV shows. Okay, some of them are a bit too much, but we just skip over those (mostly the ones with girls --- why do they ever put romance into a cowboy show, anyway?). There are some fabulous gun tricks and rescues. There are even court room battles if Jarrod is the main character! It's like a Wild West "Perry Mason". Elizabeth is really keen on Barbara Stanwyck, so she waits for the shows when Victoria is the main character. I like Jarrod and anytime that one/some of the boys have to rescue another (or a couple) of the brothers.

Over a year ago we sent for Peter Breck's autograph (he played Nick Barkley), so we've got gorgeous pictures of him. Just a couple days ago we received signed photos from Lee Majors (who played Heath Barkley)! That is really cool!

My question is: why is Heath the one that's always in trouble. Jarrod and Nick have the occasional show where they get in real trouble, but Heath is always in some tough spot. Come on, he gets shot in bunches of shows, hanged once or twice (rescued apparently, but those shows aren't on DVD, so we haven't seen them), beat up in almost every show and called terrible names by most citizens in the valley. I mean, they didn't even put his last name on the credits. He spends so much time proving himself worthy of his name, and the producers of the show don't even give him credit!? Poor Heath.

It's supposed to snow a bit tomorrow. Ugh. It was only fourteen degrees this morning, but it did manage to make it up to forty in the afternoon. I'm trying to get Pierrot finished, but I ran out of flesh-tone wool. That means that I've spent some time this afternoon carding some more! It's hard to make hands with nothing! Pierrot is looking lots more presentable, but he's handless and headless. He also needs the "frills" and "fru-fras" on his shirt. About ten more hours of work should see him finished. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Hello huge lee majors fan would you mind sharing mailing address for him plz reply to bluemountain250@gmail.com enjoy the blog thank you so much

